
Clavier Music Studio Semenyih in Selangor provides a variety of music classes on piano, flute, cello, guitar and many other musical instruments for children as young as newborn/toddler to adults at any level (beginner to advanced level). At Clavier Music Studio, we believe that we can awaken and nurture your child's innate musicality through our professional and high quality music classes.


Music programs available at Clavier Music Studio Semenyih Branch:

• Musikgarten (Music & Movement Program 音乐与律动课程)

• Piano lessons 钢琴 | Flute lessons  长笛

• Violin lessons  小提琴 | Cello lessons  大提琴

• Harp lessons  竖琴 | Vocal coaching lessons 声乐

• Classical Guitar lessons  古典吉他 | Acoustic Guitar lessons  流行吉他

• Ukulele lessons  乌克丽丽 | Jazz Drum lessons 爵士鼓

• Rainbow Singer Children's Choir 彩虹儿童合唱团

• Clavier Strings Ensemble 弦乐团

• Pathway to Music Literacy Group Program 团体音乐班

• Musicianship & Music Theory 音乐基础乐理班

• Music Composition Class 作曲班


At Clavier Music Studio, your child will have the chance to join a competition and be active in performance. We have a team of dedicated and professional music teachers and staff to help cultivate your child’s musical talent and potential.

Website & Social Networks
Video 1
Open hours today: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
  • Monday

    7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

  • Tuesday

    2:30 pm - 9:30 pm

  • Wednesday

    2:30 pm - 9:30 pm

  • Thursday

    2:30 pm - 9:30 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 9:30 pm

  • Saturday

    9:00 am - 6:30 pm

  • Sunday


  • 27th July 2024 4:35 pm local time


1-13, 15 & 17, Jln Anggerik Perdana 2, Tmn Anggerik Perdana, 43500 Semenyih

Location Map

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