
“When we are not able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”, the word “change” might sound scary to you, but don’t be afraid, you are not alone, as we’re here to journey together with you. We strongly believe that people can be empowered to find their own answers, most of the time what you need is to have another person to listen to you, to understand you, to hold you, and to support you.


We, as counselors, may not have all the answers and solutions, but we are here to embrace your life journey together with you, guide you to gain a deeper understanding of your issue(s) from a different perspective, uncover new insights, and make your challenge less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. Going for counseling does not mean that you are crazy, it simply means that you are HUMAN. To get started, leave us a message, or contact us to schedule an appointment.


据说这世上有一只最孤独的『52 赫兹』蓝鲸,它所唱出的歌声频率是 52 赫兹,是与一般蓝鲸所发出的正常频率(15-25 赫兹)不一样。因为频率的不同,它的声音无法被同类听见,对于同类来说它是一个无法与它们交流的异类,因此这头蓝鲸成为了世上最孤独的鲸鱼。




也许在同类的眼中,这头『52 赫兹』蓝鲸就是异类,但是它接纳了自己的独特和不一样。在寻找同伴的旅程中,它也许也遭受过无数次的挫折、数不清的失望、没人理解的孤单无助,也许它也曾经有过放弃的念头,但是它始终记得它的初心,始终记得给自己肯定,始终坚信着,总有一天,它可以找到听得懂自己的同伴,在还没找到之前,就当自己最亲爱的另一半,真挚地爱自己、接纳自己、用心守护好自己,看见并聆听自己的每一个情绪,在需要时给自己一个深深的拥抱。


在生活中,或许有某些时刻,我们也会感觉自己就像故事中的这头『52 赫兹』蓝鲸一样,感觉没人了解、找不到共鸣,期待可以找到一个听得懂我们内心声音的另外一个人, 但是却总是失望。。。


Dearest You, 意思就是最亲爱的你。在这里,我们愿意成为第二头『52 赫兹』蓝鲸,用心聆听你内心的声音,让你不再感觉孤独,可以感到安全并放心的说出你内心深处最真实的想法与感受。也许我们无法帮你解决你生命中的难题,但是我们愿意陪伴你一起走这段旅程,陪你一起找出属于你的答案。


我们也期望,在伴你同行的这段旅程中,我们可以成为你的勇气催化者,就算内心感到无助、孤单、不安、害怕,你也可以找到内心那头充满勇气信心的『52 赫兹』蓝鲸,拥有足够的力量去接纳不完美的自己,去拥抱这个最亲爱的自己,去相信独特的自己是值得被肯定及被爱的。

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  • 23rd February 2025 7:49 pm local time


1J, Jalan Delima, Taman Island Glades, 11700 Jelutong, Pulau Pinang

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  • Ong
    5th November 2020 at 3:25 pm

    Ms Yeoh is an excellent therapist. After seeing 4 therapists, I can say that she is the kindest and most patient therapist that I’ve ever met in my life. Thumbs up! 7 stars service!

  • lim
    9th November 2020 at 10:58 am

    After going through the counselling today, I had slowly open up my mind., not to biased thinking. I will done what should be done.

  • May
    9th November 2020 at 11:00 am

    She really put effort in listening my words, helping me to analyze in every way, the consultation is comfortable. Recommended.

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