Diploma, Postgraduate, Professional Qualifications...
Schools have very different fee ranges depending on year group hence for simplicity, these "$" sign ratings are meant to denote the relative price difference of the average annual school fees between education institutions in the same category.
Preschool : 5,000 - 20,000
Primary : 7,500 - 35,000
Secondary: 10,000 - 80,000
Tertiary : 18,000 - 60,000
Schools have very different fee ranges depending on year group hence for simplicity, these "$" sign ratings are meant to denote the relative price difference of the average annual school fees between education institutions in the same category.
Preschool : 5,000 - 20,000
Primary : 7,500 - 35,000
Secondary: 10,000 - 80,000
Tertiary : 18,000 - 60,000
Diploma, Postgraduate, Prof...
Relation: Alumni
Date: 17th Feb 2020
Most of the teachers were really committed in helping students by delivering their best, and to form new perspectives & changing mindsets & viewpoints. Bring out lots of theory stuff about Media & Film TV & Public Relations & Politics. Could be more hands-on/ real-life experience (e.g. learning how to actually use cameras etc.).